Helping Robin Maintain His Independence

At Seven Counties Services, we help people with developmental and intellectual disabilities embrace their independence and empower them to achieve it in their daily lives. Let me introduce you to one of our long-term clients, a 56-year-old named Robin, who receives services through our Developmental Disabilities team.

Robin was renting an assisted living apartment and receiving personal assistance through a local residential provider for 20 years. Due to the change in their services, Robin was faced with a difficult life choice. He could either continue receiving residential services from them or find another place to live and move. If he were to choose residential services, Robin would lose much of his independence and flexibility in his schedule. Robin had always been adamant to his Seven Counties Services case manager, Lee Gray, that he wanted to live in his own place and on his own terms. Lee has advocated on Robin’s behalf for 20 years to ensure this happened.

Robin’s family is very involved in his life and looked to Lee for information about the differences in services and to help evaluate what each choice would mean for Robin. Lee worked closely with his family and Mattingly Edge, a waiver provider, to make Robin’s move into a new condo a reality. It’s a condo that Robin hopes to eventually own one day.

Lee worked with Mattingly Edge, who put 24-hour services in place in Robin’s home and linked him with support staff who provide personal assistance and shared living support. Robin is now able to stay in the Highlands neighborhood of Louisville, a community he loves and where he has made meaningful connections through nearby restaurants, the gym, and through church. He is settling into his new place and getting to know his new neighbors.

Robin loves to help his neighbors out by watering the plants outside the condos and delivering packages. He says he’s really looking forward to the pandemic being over so he can get out more and take advantage of all the opportunities available to him in his community.

If you or someone you know could benefit from our developmental and intellectual disabilities services, please reach out to us at (502) 459-5292.

Written by Julie Page, DSD Case Manager, Seven Counties Services

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